April 19, 2022

Why Personal Photography Projects Are So Important For Photographers

Photography Tips

Why Personal Photography Projects Are So Important For Photographers

Entry No. 29

To learn, grow, & stay inspired no matter what you do for your nine to five takes work, dedication, & the constant desire to be better.

With every goo photo I take {there are a lot of bad ones too, no worries} I want the next picture to be better. I am firm believer that creativity is a muscle. Creativity strengthens over time, as well as gets better each time I is put to practice.

This can be said when picking up a camera, taking at least one photo a day, flexes that creative muscle until you're a well-oiled machine.

When work gets to be too routine or lack there of, photographers who turn to personal photography projects are doing themselves a great justice.

No matter if this is just for you or maybe a self-published book someday, photographers who actively pursue personal photo projects are the ones who are serious about perfecting their craft as well as staying creatively fit.

As you may know, Katelynchef.com really under went a drastic makeover. To the point, where it really shows my growth as a photographer as well as my photography interests, style, & the direction where I would like my photo journey to continue.

A big credit of this growth is making it a habit to pick up my camera, take photos, the good, bad, & somewhere in the middle.

Here, it has lead me to creating a few {short} personal photography series of my own to develop & let live on my website.

  1. Summer of Vintage Volkswagen Beetles: Over the course of time, I have come to love vintage Volkswagens. This past year, I was able to photograph a variety of vintage bugs, hippie busses, and other VW cars. I accumulated a variety of images & have the displayed in a photo series to document the cars' uniqueness & place in my heart.
  2. Autumn in Firestone Cemetery: These large, black, cast iron gates at a nearby cemetery have always captured by eye. During Autumn, the eerie yet beauty found in the gates & large crumbling steps made a way onto my website in another personal photography series.
  3. Childhood Barn: A longtime ago, my dad built a wood barn for my Breyer Horses & Barbies. It was red & blue, stain cherry inside. Recently, I painted the barn cream & Film Green. The photos document the barn.
  4. Doorways of Travel: On any outing, especially during ties of travel, unique doors & how the light & shadow dances across always have captured my attention. In this personal photography project, I document some of my favorite doors of travel.

Personally, I am looking forward to more personal photo projects to come.

For more, follow on Instagram @katelynchefphotography_

Aaron Siskind

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”

Personal Photography Projects

Vintage Volkswagen Beetle

photography projects

The importance of personal photography projects

Vintage VW Beetles
